Hi everyone!
I’m currently putting some beginners work into Home Assistant and its Energy dashboard.
I’ve set up my smart meter (delivering only the total value every two seconds) and the dashboard puts out the consumption by the hour - fine. But as I’d like to get more detailed statistics, p.e. by the minute or even by the second in the “History” dashboard, I think I have to create a new sensor to show me the current consumption. am I right about that and could you point me in the right direction for this?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: right now, in history I only get this graph:
Screenshot 2022-11-06 150732|690x371
hey everyone!
no idea? I’ll try to be more precise:
I do get the hourly use in the energy dashboard, but I would like to get a “current use” card and get it displayed as an history graph.
I guess this is possible with templates. Help, please 
Have a look at utility meter helper, you can set the cycle to hourly (or others)
Thanks! I did try the quarter-hourly utility meter. It leads to zero results and the status “paused” - see screenshot. how come?
It does take a little while to get some results
Did you restart ?
What does you sensor look like in dev tools/states ? (Original one, not the utility meter)
BTW your screenshot links lead to a Your connection is not private webpage, try inserting the image into your post
Thanks, it seems to work after restart!
Can you think of a way to count per minute instead of quarter-hourly?
thanks for that - thing about the picture is, I inserted it in the post (CTRL+V) and the url it leads to is community.home-assistant.io… !?!
Screenshot 2022-11-06 150732|690x371
Click on the upload button on the toolbar when posting
Okay I’ll try (Edit: picture did work fine, thanks!!) . The result is not satisfying at all btw (see picture)
Does anyone have an idea how I could get a simple curve with the data that is provided?
I just need the datapoints of the difference from t and t-2s - isn’t there a template for this?
I got the PIN for my smartmeter and geht the current usw by the second right now. Works like a charme