Touch Panel UI options for Home Assistant


I’m a long time OpenHAB user looking to make the switch to Home Assistant. I’ve got HA up and running as a virtual appliance and have spent a few evening exploring it. So far I like what I am seeing and things are starting to make sense. However, the one thing i have not been able to find is a purpose built touch panel UI. I use wall mounted iPads running Habpanel on a kiosk app as my main way of interacting with my current system. Does Home Assistant offer an equivalent to OpenHAB’s Habpanel? I have played around with Lovelace in panel mode using a combination of vertical and horizontal cards but that seems very tedious. I also need a way to make the left hand menu in Lovelace disappear - both for aesthetic reasons and to prevent my kids from inadvertendly messing with things. The picture shows what I am hoping to replicate using HA. Any pointers are appreciated.