Touchscreen remote for HA

I get where you’re coming from about the Remote 2. It has its share of issues, but there’s a lot of good stuff happening with it too. The team has pushed out 12 updates just this year, and they’ve promised to keep supporting Remote 2, with new features coming soon. (Like bluetooth for example!)

@marton mentioned that the software development hasn’t stopped, and both remotes run the same software. In fact, Remote 2 will get the new features even before Remote 3 is fully ready :slight_smile:

There’s been a huge demand for Remote 2, so much so that they couldn’t keep up with production. This led them to tweak the assembly process and make some improvements. Remote 3 is basically an evolution to address these production issues and scale up to meet demand, especially since the ARM chip in Remote 2 isn’t recommended for future development anymore. I am not sure if you checked the kickstarter page, but already well over 3,5k backers with over a million dollars raised, amazing :smiley:

Plus, Remote 3 is packing some cool new features like wireless charging, better IR, a touch slider, PoE support, RS232, and more. It’s not just a new model for the sake of it; it’s a necessary step to keep things moving forward.

I merely wanted to make sure that those who use and are happy with Remote 2 might want to consider the upgrade. Or maybe those who were waiting for new production loads can now jump on board.

So, in short, Remote 2 is still getting lots of support, and Remote 3 looks like it’s going to be even better.

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