Touchscreen remote for HA

Same here :slight_smile:

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Me too. So cool! :upside_down_face:

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Sorry, I have to ask. :slight_smile: Isn’t that to expensive for the “normal” user?

Please don’t misunderstand, I know how much work was and still is invested to bring up such a great product, and in my eyes it is a more than reasonable price, but at least I couldn’t justify such costs for my “hobby”. WAF wouldn’t be great over 300.-€ for one device… :slight_smile:

So how do you guys do that? Or are you telling your wife it was just 50.-€? :rofl: :rofl:

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or just not telling (yet!)


It’s not expensive compared to some other universal remotes.

The Philips Pronto TSU9400 which I have just about used to death was about the same price a decade ago and it is nowhere near as powerful.

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That’s not the point, as I said, it is a more than reasonable price for such a nice product, no doubt. :slight_smile: It is more the sheer amount of money.

I’d need to justify such costs for one device (mostly to myself and only secondly to my wife), regardless if it is from Logitech or @marton. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This would be by far the most expensive (one) part of my home automation. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Nonetheless, I wish all buyers “happy controlling” and you can sleep at night, knowing at least I am a little jealous. :wink: :slight_smile:

PS: I did some research a while ago, because I really liked the concept of a “simple” remote to control the important things in HA from my sofa. Turns out, trying to do this by yourself leaves you with way more than 339.-€ (I’d estimate around 500.-€) and a lot of work to do. Not only the software, you’d def. need a few hours just to find a suitable monitor, the case would be needed… Uhhhhmmmm, I get a feeling I will one day order one… :rofl: :rofl:

Well, being a bachelor helps with financial decision making but I would not recommend a divorce as a solution as I hear they can be quite expensive.


Ask her how much money she invested in shoes in the last 6 months. :crazy_face:

Reviving an old thread as just stumbled across this and it looks amazing! It looks like the most recent thread on it on the HA forums too.

I was originally looking to build something similar to interface with my HA instance with a “ESP32-S3 Parallel TFT” (ESP hoping for the better battery life) and LVGL for the UI but this blows my ideas out of the water!

Do you think you’ll be open sourcing the latest version in the near future? I quite like the DIY aspect to it and I’d be interested in building one myself as I have a Pi zero and 3D printer (not fussed on the metal casing initially so would 3d print the whole lot) but I’d have no idea where to start on the wiring, 3D models and QT!

Since the entire project is now a fully commercial product, intended to earn money, I wouldn’t expect an open source version of the software. It would diminish it’s own existence.

Yeah I figured as much, but worth checking! You’re always going to have people who would prefer to pay for a more polished product without having to do any DIY themselves. There’s probably only a subset of people who would want to, or have the skills/tools to attempt their own DIY approach.

If the promises on the kickstarter are upheld at least the web editor and UI will be open sourced as they’ve already gone well over the 310 mark.

"If we reach 310.000€, we’re going to open-source the UI and web configurator applications. "

Actually the kickstarter page has a lot of info on, including the fact that they moved away from the Pi and used custom boards/chips. Which renders my question a bit useless as no one’s going to have those lying around! I hope it does well and eventually ends up coming down in price as they progress over the years.

Hi @burg93! Marton here from Unfolded Circle. The DIY version of the original remote is on GitHub, including hardware that is based on the Pi Zero. You have all the info you need to build one.

We won’t be openning up the hardware for Remote Two, however you’ve read that correct, we’ll be releasing the code of the UI app and the web configurator, as well as sharing the API documentation. The integration API is already available: GitHub - unfoldedcircle/core-api: API specifications for Remote Two by Unfolded Circle


Looks nice but $682.2 AUD seems absolutely insane for a remote, that’s 1/3rd the price of an M1 Macbook Air!

A third of the price, but it has better battery life than the M1 and it has a touch screen :slight_smile:


like every 7 inch tablet from 50 euro or not saying it isnt worth it for a lot of people, but its a bit high in price (not overpriced though, which the chosen materials and efford, and small production)

Agree it seems expensive when you compare it to a tablet, but if your looking at similar hardware like the control4 remotes its cheap, at nearly half the price.

Interestingly though the control4 neeo, that the remote two closely resembles, has been discontinued and the current “touch” remotes all have the return of a lot more physical buttons.

Touch remotes are hard to use without looking down at the screen. Buttons can be felt in the dark.

I gave that exact feedback for the first iteration of the remote and it was taken on board and has continued into this one. There are physical buttons.

For those who might have missed this, @marton created a new remote. You can still jump in:

Kickstarter campaign for Remote 3 launches tomorrow, Friday 21st of June at 18.00 Central European / 12.00 Eastern / 9.00 Pacific / 16.00 UTC. In the first three days, until midnight on Sunday CET, we have great discounts:

  • Remote 3 standalone - €279 (MSRP €349)
  • Dock 3 standalone - €89 (MSRP €119)
  • Remote 3 and Dock 3 bundle - €299 (MSRP €449)

After the limited time offer, there will be still attractive prices for the rest of the campaign:

  • Remote 3 standalone - €299 (MSRP €349)
  • Dock 3 standalone - €99 (MSRP €119)
  • Remote 3 and Dock 3 bundle - €329 (MSRP €449)

We have configured add-ons for the pledges, so you can add additional remotes and docks. Kickstarter campaign page:



I never read anything good about the model 2. Will this be better?

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