TP-Link bulbs presence detection

When I remove it from the socket or use the light switch to switch my LB100 off, the States view of HA frontend seems, at first glance, to not notice a thing. But the log shows ‘Could not read state for LED-Lampe’.

I would really appreciate it if the timeout while trying to connect to the bulbs socket would result in a respective state message in the frontend.

edit, nevermind. Misread your post.

I’d say this is expected behavior.

If you cut the power to a Wi-Fi bulb it stops communicating. These bulbs are supposed to be switched off from “software” - the Kasa app, or home assistant and be permanently powered on.

P.S. I do think the error in the log is the appropriate place for this and not the UI. If you want I think you can build an automation to place a persistent notification in the UI if communication is lost (i.e. you’ve switched it off from the switch or unscrewed it)

I was completely wrong. Further tests showed that the UI does react when the bulb no longer is connected. Though I can in this case toggle the switch on from the UI, it shows the off state again as soon as the view has been refreshed. Besides, I should have noticed that the bulb symbol in the UI did not change its color to yellow…

HA seems to remember the last “on” switch state from the UI, even if the bulb could not really be switched on at the time because it was not online. I like that behaviour much more than the " fire and forget" characteristic of my 433 MHz switches. There, I have to control the state by strategically deployed webcams.

Thanks anyway for your prompt answer!

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