I’ve seen the other threads that predate the updates to pyHS100; I’m hoping that this device is mature enough that a few more people have experience with it.
I’ve got a script that fades the dimmer up over a period of time, defined by an input_number that can be set on the front end:
alias: 'Wake Up Bedroom'
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.hs220
brightness: '3'
- delay:
seconds: 1
- service: light.turn_on
entity_id: light.hs220
brightness: 255
transition: '{{ states.input_number.alarm_duration.state | multiply(60) | int }}'
When I run this script, the light goes on at 100% and immediately dims to its lowest number. One second later, it then immediately transitions to 100% brightness again. For the record, the template currently resolves to ‘300’.
The transition is obviously not working. Can anyone vouch for the transitions actually working for this device?
Any tips on how to avoid the initial “flash” when the light turns on and just have it fade up from minimum?