TP-Link HS200, polled or pushed state?

I’d like to use the TP-Link HS200 wall switch but not to directly switch a load. I would like home assistant to detect state changes of the HS200 and in response make sure a Z-wave lamp module has matching state.

(Until today I used an Evolve LTM-5 with association to the lamp module to do this, but the unit failed for the 2nd time and I’d like to start phasing Zwave out of my home since it’s been nothing but trouble over the last 5 years)

Question is, can the HS200 push state changes to Homeassistant, or can its state only be read via polling? If it’s the latter it’s not going to work too well since I want the lamp to be fairly responsive. In that case, any good non-zwave wall switches available which could do what I want?

bump. anyone know?

Not sure if it’s push or poll but it’s rather fast. Please note there seems to be quite a number of people having issues with the TP-link switches although mine work fine. If you do not want to use it to switch a load, just as a button(?) I think there a far better sollutions.

Thanks. That’s right I only need a button. What are these far better solutions you speak of? I haven’t found anything other than Z-wave devices that fit in a standard light switch wall box.

I have xiaomi (zigbee so you’ll need a gateway) but there are also wifi light switches available. Google is your friend :wink: just search for wifi light switch and check if they are supported in HA.

i know its been several years, i’m pretty new to the Home assistant, actually not even using it yet.

i purchased all new tp-link switches in the house, and tp-link is limited to 3 automations. on the tp-link forum people are saying use home assistant and after 2 weeks of searching, this is the closest post to my question.

my scenario is similar, i want to use my HS220 to Mirror an HS200, in the same room. i’m using them like 3 way switches and i want to be able to dim the light with one yet retain the 3 way functionality.

how quick does the home assistant automations work with the tp-link products. i’m currently using smart things and node.js and its a 1min lag when updating the switch state on my home panel, and then also a 1 min delay when trying to use this functionality like a 3 way switch. i also have another switch i want to use to turn on wifi flood lights outside.

would home assistant reduce the latency to almost feel like a hard wired switch?