TP-Link HS210 3-Way Kit

I have 29 TP-Link devices (everything from switches to smart bulbs) and for the most part they work great in Home Assistant. The switch (or bulb) status get’s updated through a poling process if you make a change through Kasa, google home, IFTTT, or on the switch itself. It normally takes a few seconds to see the change in HA. The poling frequency can be changed by using the “scan_interval” option when you setup your entity component.

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Sounds like it will do what I want. Now if I can only get HA to start on my Windows 10 PC! It’s being crabby…
Thanks for your help!

It would be better to run on a Raspberry Pi (in my view).

I have a set installed. I am able to control via HA , google and alexa.
My issue is the standard Alexa/Goolgle " turn on Barn interior" does turn on light,
but “turn off Barn interior” does nothing , although a/g both respond ok .
You have to ask A/G to " turn on" a second time to turn off.

For all my TP-Link stuff (basically every switch in the house) I have found that creating a Kasa ‘scene’ like 'down stairs on" and ‘down stairs off’ (you could have ‘hey google barn on’ and ‘barn off’) works great for these whole room actions. Google picks up your Kasa scenes automatically and you just assign them to the correct room.