TP-Link Kasa app switching relay on ESPHome flashed Teckin SP23s!


Has anyone else noticed that when launching the Kasa Android app it sends out some sort of broadcast that ESP8266 devices respond to? Both of my Teckin SP-23s switch the relay on when I launch Kasa!

Is this a bug in the ESP8266 firmware, or just a feature of ESP8266s?

Seems to be the same as this person here:


No issues for me, I use TP link Kasa and ESP8266 based Sonoffs without issue. I’m not using ESPHome however, so could it be an ESPHome issue?

Thanks, which firmware have you got flashed? Tasmota?

Yep I mainly use Tasmota, I have it on around 8 Sonoffs but I still have a Sonoff on stock firmware (ewelink) and again no issues when opening up Kasa for me. Very odd!

I may try ESPHome at some point, if I do I’ll post back and see if it happens to me also.

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The same happens to me but I have the IOS app. I have no idea why it happens. Yesterday I was restarting my router and I found all of my Teckin SP-23s ESPHome’s turned on. It must have something to do with the tp link plug sending out a broadcast.

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That’s interesting, so it sounds ESPHome related then potentially. I wonder how the firmware differs?

EDIT: BTW, this happens without even having a TP-Link device on the network. When I launch the app it switches the relays on both SP23s without any TP-Link device connected.

Hopefully Otto will see this here and might have an idea…

If I get a change I may be able to use wireshark to find out what the TP link app is doing, it could be something as simple as scanning a certain port on your local network.

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I got the same problem with some Shelly’s flashed with esphome. It looks like the devices are rebooting/crashing. Wonder how that is even possible.

@OttoWinter Got any ideas?

Just read something about this issue a few months ago… it’s something related to tasmota “i can’t remember” which component implementation and something kasa is broadcasting over the network to detect new appliances.

If you need to use Kasa app, just disconnect wifi :slight_smile:

Yeah, nearly five years later…

I have some Teckin SP23s flashed with Tasmota but they are now the only Tasmotised devices I have, everything else is espHome.

Do you by any chance still have the espHome yaml for the SP23s and if so would you mind posting a copy?
