I’m quite new to HA, this tp-link casa power strip is my first tp-link device. I setup it using the kasa app, now it is on my network with static ip and it works fine from the kasa app.
When I try to add the integration, if I leave the host field blank, the discovery does not find anything, if I put the ip of the power strip, it does not find it too. I do not know what I’m doing wrong, the kp303 is in the list of supported hw in the integration help page.
My setup is HA running on docker on Synology, connected to MQTT also running on Synology. I have added other hardware using native integrations or HACS custom ones like Sonoff Lan and it works okay.
Ok I managed to add it by specifying the IP after I rebooted the power strip. I had rebooted HA but and the strip once but it seems the strip needed another reboot.
Rebooting solves so many problems!!
Still, when I restart HA, my switches are all unavailable. Same behavior with TP-Link or eWeLink devices, I might have seen it has to do with some retention in MQTT but I need to read more about it.
It’s weird because I configured it with IP, now it complains it cannot connect to IP… I have no clue where this address comes from