TP-Link Kasa KP115 total_energy_kwh values incorrect

Hi everyone.

I have a few Kasa KP115 energy monitoring plugs and they all seem to suffer the safe issue with regards to the reporting of the total_energy_kwh values.
Is anyone else having this issue?

Here is a screenshot of my sensor.yaml as well and the plugs are hardware version 1.0 and firmware version 1.0.16.


Here is a screenshot of one my plugs showing the energy values:

And now here is the results as it appears in the attributes of the plug once I configured my sensor values.

Values-HA Entities

As you can see all the values are roughly correct apart from the total_energy_kwh.

Yes, I’m seeing the same problem with my KP115. “Total energy kWh” reported in HomeAssistant for this smartplug appears to only track the energy since the plug was last inserted into the outlet. It is not actually the total energy kWh for the plug.

It is easy to test this - just unplug the smartplug, and plug it back in, and you’ll see the graph in HomeAssistant energy reset to zero.

The data in the Kasa app appears to be correct, but none of it has the “total consumption” for the plug. Kasa reports today’s consumption, the previous 7 days, and previous 30 days. But not the total.

I’m not sure if the Kasa app is getting the info from the device directly, from the cloud, or a combination thereof.

The HomeAssistant Kasa integration gets the data from the device, though, not from cloud.