TP Link LB110 integration issue with home assistant

Issue: Unable to see TP Link bulbs in Home Assistant & for the same reason harmony hub doesn’t see any Philips Hue light available to be added in activity.

I have Harmony hub running in my Living room which almost controls everything except TP Link bulbs, Sonoff smart switch and my smart motorized curtains.
I thought of using Home Assistant to control all these things with Harmony Hub remote.

My Configuration.yaml:


  listen_port: 80


  - platform: tplink


Able to control these bulbs using pyhs100
(homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberrypi:/home/pi $ pyhs100 --ip on
No --bulb nor --plug given, discovering…
Turning on…


(homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberrypi:/home/pi $ pyhs100
No host name given, trying discovery…
Discovering devices for 3 seconds
== Shade Two - LB110(US) ==
Brightness: 75
Is dimmable: True
== Generic information ==
Time: None
Hardware: 1.0
Software: 1.8.6 Build 180809 Rel.091659
MAC (rssi): 50C7BF3FBAC1 (-41)
WARNING:pyHS100.smartdevice:Unsupported device location.
Location: {‘longitude’: None, ‘latitude’: None}
== Emeter ==
Current state: {‘power_mw’: 0}

== Shade One - LB110(US) ==
Device state: ON
Brightness: 75
Is dimmable: True
== Generic information ==
Time: None
Hardware: 1.0
Software: 1.8.6 Build 180809 Rel.091659
MAC (rssi): 50C7BF2BCE40 (-51)
WARNING:pyHS100.smartdevice:Unsupported device location.
Location: {‘longitude’: None, ‘latitude’: None}
== Emeter ==
Current state: {‘power_mw’: 8300}

Details of platform running on Raspberry Pi3 B+:
Manually installed Home Assistant on Virtual Environment (
Home Assistant: Home Assistant 0.85.1
Philips Hue successfully added after setting configuration.yaml and Harmony hub also able to add it as a device but Home Assistant only detecting my Samsung Smart TV and considering it as my light
TP Link: LB110
Hardware Version: 1.0
Firmware Version: 1.8.6

Hoping that someone has the solution

If you have a BULB, it’s considered a LIGHT not a SWITCH

Thanks alot, worked like a charm. I was just not focusing on the very simple point.