The TP-Link wall outlet KP200 is now fully recognized and working as it should. This eliminates the “plug in” models for those that want built in functionality.
Huge thanks!!!
The TP-Link wall outlet KP200 is now fully recognized and working as it should. This eliminates the “plug in” models for those that want built in functionality.
Huge thanks!!!
Just installed my first KP200 today, and I’m having trouble finding the device name for updating my device automations.
It seems I had to restart Home Assistant a few more times before all of the device information was correctly retrieved from TP-Link Kasa and entered in the core configuration files. Problem resolved!
Are the outlets controlled independently?
Yes, they are.
no they are not also it does not report status to home assistant I can turn it on the plug turns on both outlets but the slider in home assistant reports it is off, if I turn it on again then quickly turn it off I can turn off the plugs however they do work proper in the kasa app
Each outlet on the KP200 should come up as it’s own entity and can be controlled individually. If you had the KP200 integrated before upgrading to version 101.0 you may have to remove it and let the system rediscover it. What you are describing is what I had prior to HA 101.0 and it came up as a single entity.
Just installed it for the first time on 103.4 no previous installs plus HA doesn’t discover tp link I had to manually add my devices using their IP address the switch hs200 works great the kp200 does not though the kasa app See’s them both proper
Hmmm… that’s strange mine works perfectly. To add mine I just went to Configuration, Integrations, hit the + in the bottom corner and selected TP-Link Smart Home. It discovered everything from there automatically.
even unloaded all the TP link stuff in config rebooted the whole system yet agian tried to add tp link in intergrations and it still won’t find my devices automatically
only way I can get them to be seen is manual way and the KP200 still does not function proper
FYI, just purchased a TP-Link LP200 from Amazon for $20. Others where $40. Sure hope it works. Running 103.
I would open a ticket something isn’t right. I know several others who are not experiencing issues and I wouldn’t know where to go from here.
Ok Finally figured this out
Since My system will not auto discover the plug or switch, I had to add them manually for which I added them under Switch: the HS200 was perfectly happy to reside under, the KP200 was not happy about it so it would not function proper,
I decided to try to add it under strip: and restarted the server, and boom both switches on the KP200 are working and reporting.
This is a example in configuration file in case anybody is experiencing the same type of issue
this is a Venv type install of Home assistant
discovery: false
- host: IP of HS200
- host: IP of KP200