TP Link sockets unavailable

Hoping someone can help. Over the last few days, one by one, my TP link sockets are becoming unavailable. I’m running 0.99.2 on a Rpi3b. There’s been no change to my system other than upgrading to 0.99.2 when it became available, from, 0.98.3 (I think.)
Currently, 3 of my 6 sockets are not reading as “Entity not available.” Was there some change between 0.98 and 0.99 in relation to TP Link that I’m unaware of? Maybe there’s a workaround I haven’t seen yet, if this is a common problem?

If you restart do they come back online?
Since the TP link integration changed I’ve had problems with my switches. They randomly become unavailable and only a Hassio restart gets them back online. Sometimes I have to do several restarts

I have an automation that restarts the system every day (Because daily was easier than every few days to accomplish). These restarts were not changing anything, but I had to do a manual restart this morning, after I made a few changes, and all sockets are back. By manual, I mean reboot the system rather than the automation based reboot.

So for now everything is working again …

My wife insist that the wifi switches off at night and this also knocks the TP link switches off so I too have an automation to restart every morning. This does fix the problem on a daily basis but I still have random drop outs during the day sometimes.

I only have 3 of these devices and I can’t stand them. Luckily I never have to open the KASA app anymore but when I do all my MQTT devices start acting up and things start going crazy in my house, gate opens, lights switch on and off etc. etc.

Good to hear you have them working again and the problem is not something bigger

Any particular reason you don’t like them? I think they’re great, random dropouts aside(Which doesn’t appear to be an issue with them as they never drop on the kasa app).

I don’t like them because they drop out. Firstly requiring HA restarts bit one of them also drops out on the KASA app, so I have to unplug it and plug it back in again. That usually fixes it.
Also the app causes me proplems, for some reason it affect my mqtt devices.
I guess I should really do a mqtt spy to see why but who has time for that

Just did the latest update .101.0 and lost one of the switches. All are static called out in router, all are in my custom yaml
discovery: false

  • host:
  • host:
  • host:
  • host:
  • host:
  • host:
    Integration is missing .47. It stopped working in hassio, but is reachable by Kasa and ping. Tried deleting all and re adding still missing. Any ideas?

I have these TP Link entries in my logbook:
HS100 RX and TX

Anyone know what they mean?