TP-LINK switches no longer let you disable remote (cloud) access

I noticed the option to disable remote access to new TP-Link switches (HS105 to be specific) had disappeared at some point in the past couple months. My existing switches that I had already disabled remote access on still show the option to enable remote access, but when I set up new switches it is nowhere to be found. Today I finally found this “confirmation” from TP-Link support that the option to disable remote (cloud) access has been removed:

Note that LOCAL ACCESS STILL WORKS just fine. You just can’t disable cloud connectivity without manually blocking them from the internet.

Can you block their access outside of your network and still use them with HA?

Yes that should still work. You just can’t disable cloud access without blocking them from the internet. Sorry I should have included that in my post.

Hello, i dont like to have my tp-link Deco M4 allways connect to cloud.
How can i block the port in router?