Tp-link tapo camera error

I bought the Tapo C200 camera, I installed the integration, it detects it perfectly but when it comes time to see it, it appears unavailable (or inactive). I leave you an image! thanks in advance


Fuente: components/stream/
integración: Stream (documentación, problemas)
Ocurrió por primera vez: 18:53:01 (16 ocurrencias)
Último inicio de sesión: 19:13:11

Error from stream worker: Error opening stream (INVALIDDATA, Invalid data found when processing input) rtsp://:@

Which Integration ? ,

if it’s Tapo-Camera-Control, you should not provide an RTSP: Address

Maybe you want to try with the “Generic Camera” integration

yes tapo control

And which Card are you using ?
If you look at below “Sensores” where HD/SD streams are, it says No Disponible
Maybe you didn’t follow the Installation, steps from the Integrations Documentation correct

PS: If it doesn’t work with above settings, and in i.e. “picture-entity-card”

show_state: false
show_name: false
camera_view: live
type: picture-entity
entity: camera.your-cam/entity-name_stream

BTW. This is the official Project Page, for Tapo-Camera-Control Integration

Above is incorrect.

If your RTSP stream does not work but the control does, check faq you have too many connections going out to rtsp of camera.

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