TP-Link Tapo TP25 Outdoor WiFi plug /w Matter

I was setting up strings of holiday lights this weekend and wanted to grab another outdoor smart plug for some new strands this year. I have used TP-Link Kasa KP-405’s in the past but wanted something that had local control vs requiring a cloud connection. I did a quick search for outdoor smart plugs with Matter and was thrilled that TP-Link had an outdoor smart plug with Matter support, and two(!) controllable outlets. The perfect hardware for my use case. I purchased one and just assumed since I’d used the Kasa plugs with Home Assistant, that this one would work too without issue. Unfortunately it does not.

I’ve seen that there has been some extensive work on the TP-Link Tapo switches including some fantastic work by user @fishbigger on a custom integration. and petretiandrea on Github. But neither of these projects calls out the TP25. I have not yet had a chance to try them anyway to check if it “just works.” I was wondering if anyone else has a TP25 that they got working, or if anyone had connected this switch via Matter to see if that works. My SkyConnect has not yet arrived so I again havent been able to try anything yet myself, but I am very curious to see if others have gotten this plug integrated in some way.

Anyone out there using a TP25? Thoughts on this device?

Product page for TP25: TP-Link Tapo T25

I also recently purchase the TP25, hoping to manage it from HA. My SkyConnect arrived a few days ago, and the thread border router seems to be working, but I cannot enable Matter on my Hardkernel ODROID-XU4 system.

I have also not been able to add the Tapo integration to my HA, which is very frustrating.

I hope someone has been able to get Tapo devices working.

So my SkyConnect arrived tonight! Super stoked. First thing I did was enable multi-protocol support and add the Matter integration. From there I had to use my phone with the HA mobile app on it to add a thread device:

  1. Settings > Devices and Services > Add Integration > Add a Matter device.

  2. I was then able to scan the QR code on the back of the TP25 with my phone

  3. Home Assistant did its thing (It did fail to find the TP25 initially and I needed to unplug and re-plug in the device) but on the second try it was added and i see a device with 2 entities (switch.smart_outdoor_plug and switch.smart_outdoor_plug_2)

So I can confirm that the TP-Link Tapo TP25 will work as a Matter device.

For reference I run my HA instance (HomeAssistant OS Version: 11.1) as a VM on Proxmox with the SkyConnect USB passed through. So different processor architectures (arm vs x86) for us. I hope you’re able to get your SkyConnect working on your oDroid soon so youre able to use your TP25 with Matter.