Trying to add my new HS105 smart plugs to my HA config, as the docs now say that this model is supported.
I have running into trouble when trying to add the IP of the smart plug to my config.yaml… How do I find the IP of this device??
In the KASA app, I can retrieve the MAC address… however I am not sure where to go from there. There is no IP that comes up when I scan the network that is associated with the MAC, and arp also does not return any results for the MAC address I am looking for.
I’ve been using a couple of HS105s for at least a year+ now without trouble. @wackydoo is correct. All you need to do set a static IP on the device. You might be able to do this within the TP Link Kasa app itself, although I’m not positive as I haven’t gone that route. The way I prefer is to set a DHCP reservation using the MAC address on my DHCP server itself (although most routers have this ability a well). But once you have the IP locked down, you should just be able to set it up.
As for the ARP table, they can be pretty finicky in the fact that if there hasn’t been active traffic in X amount of time the MAC will drop off. Easy way to get it showing up again is to power it down and then back up to force a DHCP renewal.
Check your router, look at DHCP addresses currently in use, find your Smart Plug MAC, make a note of the IP, then do what the others said and setup a static reservation in DHCP server/service
Thanks for that. I was able to get it no problem.
However, now I have ran into another issue. I have just moved apartments and now I am in a place where the landlord has locked the Network room and I have no access to any router. Is there any way to figure the ip using a workaround?
The KASA app gives the MAC address of the plug, but what I really need to add to the config is the ip.
Any ideas?
In linux I can do a “nmap -sP” (adjust for your own network address) to scan the network, and then do an “arp -a” to print out the ARP table showing the known ip address and their MAC addresses.
You can probably do similar things in windows. In android using the app I did a ping sweep, and then could display the arp table - although I didn’t try this at home where my tplink switch is.