Traccar no longer compatible with my Raspberry Pi!

I’ve had the Traccar Add-On running on my Raspberry Pi 4 SD card HA installation for a while.
About a year ago I could no longer access it from within HA but could get to it outside of HA. Now I cannot even do that.

The add-ons tab for Traccar has been telling me for a while that Traccar needed updating but that it was incompatible with my installation. It would not let me update!

I desperation today i Uninstalled Traccar thinking I could re-install it but I have the message

This add-on is not compatible with the processor of your device or the operating system you have installed on your device.

Is this correct? my pretty mainstream installation of HA Core-2022.3.7, HA OS 7.5 can no longer run traccar or has something just gone weird with my installation?

Supported processors from the docs:

Screenshot 2022-03-29 at 22-55-18 hassio-addons_addon-traccar Traccar - Home Assistant Community Add-ons

The reason was given for release 0.13:

The distributed version of Traccar v4.13, requires a Java version that is only available for 64-bits systems. Therefore, this release has dropped support for 32-bits systems (armhf, armv7 and i386).

If you are a user of a system for which support has been dropped, you can’t upgrade. You can however keep running the existing version you have installed; although we recommend moving to 64-bits.

Thanks Tom
Having uninstalled it, is there any way I can re-install the earlier version?
Or, I note I can intercept the incoming messages using a TCP input in Node-Red set to the appropriate ports (5022 and 5055). Can I get these into HA somehow? Just need a pointer in the right direction.