Traccar server

Hi all!
If you want to test the Traccar tracking server I have one running ion my dedicated server in Germany in one of the best datacenters. You can sign up yourself for free and the test account have all features that the server has. The account is limited to 7 days before it will be deleted. If you want to use it for future I charge 12 euro/$ for one device and 25 euro/$ for up to 5 devices. The server is fully secured.
The server sends notifications vis web and email and soon also via sms

Documentation here

There is also a support forum on the same website with very fast support

The price is for one year

Sorry the url is wrong, forgot I moved the tracing

Nabu is cheaper, or just get a addon and do it on your own. These days if it costs more then netflix i don’t want it :wink: but i can’t argue with people trying to make a buck. You have to start somewhere.

Tell me where you get Netflix for 12 $ for one year. And what is nabu? And I hardly do a buck to let people test for free either. And to even pay for the server I would need a lot of customers. But I am not interestad in the money

Ha, in above topic you didn’t mention per year :slight_smile: then it is not bad

I did in the second post. I forgot when I wrote it