Trace Timeline information for called other automations

I recently implemented an automation which, when executed, calls another automation.

It would be handy to seetthe trace results of the called automation in the calling trace ( or a link), in stead to having to open the other automation and lookup the trace there…
Now it just says e.g “Call service automation.trigger on entities automation.testspotcast” in the Trace Timeline.

Thanks :slight_smile:

You shouldn’t call an automation from an automation, you should use a script for this. An automation should run when it is triggered by something, like e.g. motion detected etc.

But my question is still vaild.

When calling an automation from a script, I have no trace timeline info.
And, calling a script from a script, also does not provide trace timeline info for the second called script.

But you don’t have traces on scripts.
Scripts just run so there is nothing to trace.
You do however see in the script entity when it has run (if I recall correctly) or at least in the scripts page you see the last time it was running.