Track your household tasks ✅

The story

I have been living on my own as a student for a while now and have set a goal, to make my 25 square meter studio as smart as possible. If you have a house then you can’t escape it (okay there is a way out as a man :sweat_smile:), someday you’ll have to do something in the household if you want to live comfortably.

Last week I came up with the idea of integrating household tasks into Home Assistant, so that I get a notification if a task has been postponed for too long.

My Usecase

I want to be able to keep track in Home Assistant when a household task was last done, how many days ago and with a simple click I can change the date to today. This works with the main tasks that come back once a week or 2 weeks etc.

End result

The text in the photo below is mostly in Dutch

I have written all the information from beginning to end in a blog on my own website, you can also find references to my code on Github and some extra screenshots.


I hope that the reference to my website is not seen as advertising, everything I write on my website is about student life and especially what I do in terms of smart home with Home Assistant.

It’s focused on sharing my experiences or highlights a part of my configuration, so that this can inspire other people in this great community to build something better! :kissing_heart:


I was thinking of making something similar to have on a dashboard somewhere on a tablet in the kitchen:

There is a bunch of stuff that needs doing every day, every few days, every weekend etc. Whenever the gf or myself finish it, we could mark it as done, and if no one has marked it as done when the due time/date arrives, a notification is pushed to our mobiles.

Is your solution something that can accommodate for this you think?

very nice project but I think this card is more suitable for what you are trying to do.

Example, I need to push the button when the task of putting the trash out has been done

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Have not seen this card before. It’s indeed very similar to what I have been building, but I don’t think it really fits in with how I would like to see it in Home Assistant (but that’s my personal opinion).

The Grocy add-on in combination with the custom card from @teachingbirds is also a very good alternative :smiley:

But still thnx for sharing this card!


You could use my project for this, maybe you’ll have to tweak a little here and there to make it suitable for you. But look and also consider the 2 other options that are shared in this topic.

When I press your link it says page not found ??

Thnx for letting know!
Apparently there were problems with the permalink, because of the green check mark :blush:

I love your simplicity in this code. Think I will use the code and tweak it a bit for my purpose

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I found out that my current automation for sending notifications can cause problems, such as sending 5x the same message if the entities have a state change on the same time. Already have a solution thanks to @pnbruckner, first tests looks good. Tomorrow I will post the new code on Github and adjust the blog.

@klaasnicolaas, I wanted to check out your project, but was blocked by Google…

@Marc-Antoine_Seyer Thank you for letting me know! Strange that you received this message because there is an SSL certificate, but it must now be resolved :smiley:

@klaasnicolaas, hmmm… Seem like more work is required :wink:

The message is in french, but it says that the website is not accessible.

Strange. The website just works for me, writing a new blog last night. What if you approached the website in incognito mode?

@klaasnicolaas Very nice blog and project, thanks for sharing.

@klaasnicolaas Thanks for sharing.

We are using a simple google calendar right now to be displayed as a calendar card on the main tablet. To modify / add tasks or frequencies we simply edit the google calendar. However, there is no interaction whether a task was actually performed or not.

So I might look into your solution as well.

It work now ! Nice

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Unfortunately my card doesn’t look so nice… And is it possible to change the date format to DD-MM-YYYY?