Tracking a GPS tracked device in a zone

So I’ve got the data being pulled into home assistant from OVMS including the GPS location of my car.

sensor.car_location gives me the latitude and longitude of the car. I’d like to write some automations based on the car entering/leaving the Zones defined in home assistant but can’t get my head around working out if the car is in a zone or not.

The states offered are:

altitude: "53"
direction: "0"
drivemode: "0"
energyrecd: "0.031"
energyused: "0.178"
gpslock: "1"
invefficiency: "0"
invpower: "0"
latitude: "0.123456"
longitude: "-0.123456"
power: "0.000"
speed: "-0.0"
stalegps: "1"
tripmeter: "0"
friendly_name: car_location

I’ve adjusted the values in the latitude and longitude