I’m using a CT clamp on the live from my electricity meter to track whole home electricity use. This goes via a D1 Mini in ESPHome. So the config file for ESPHome looks like this:
- platform: ct_clamp
sensor: adc_sensor
name: "Measured Current"
update_interval: 5s
id: measured_current
- calibrate_linear:
# Measured value of 0 maps to 0A
- 0 -> 0
# Known load: 10.0A - change this!
# Value shown in logs: 0.01229A - change this!
- 0.0225 -> 10
# Example source sensor
- platform: adc
pin: A0
id: adc_sensor
- platform: total_daily_energy
name: "Total Daily Power"
power_id: my_power
- platform: template
id: my_power
name: "Measured Power"
lambda: return id(measured_current).state * 230.0 / 1000; #Power = Current * Voltage (so change 230 to whatever your mains voltage is)
unit_of_measurement: 'kW'
update_interval: 5s
- platform: sntp
id: my_time
That seems to track fairly accurately. The daily power then resets at about midnight. It seems to vary by a minute or so.
I also use the Octopus energy API to get the half hourly unit prices so I can get an idea of cost.
What I’d like to do though is add in a variable into HA, once, for the meter reading in kWh. Then, have “something” increment the variable every time a kWh is hit with the CT clamp. The hope is that my variable in HA should be inline with the meter reading. I don’t care if it’s an actual variable, or just the reading hardcoded into a script.
My problem… I’m not sure where to start.
Can anyone assist, please?