Tracking system with multiple Fritz devices

in my house there is a Fritz box and two Fritz repeaters: each one has a different SSID.

I would like to make a device tracker system for my phone with the component “device_tracker.fritz” based on the sum (with OR boolean operator, of course) of the three.
Plus, I would like to add nmap tracker system, as well.

I found several examples where the user tracks different phones but nothing (understandable to me) about a single phone with multiple systems.


Does it really matter that you have a fritzbox with two repeaters?
I have a Fritzbox 6490 Cable and also two Fritz 1750E Repeaters with different SSID ("…-Erdgeschoss", “…-Obergeschoss”, “…-Dachgeschoss”).

But no matter which WLAN is currently being used by my PC’s or smartphones, they are always registered at the central Fritzbox (DHCP Server & Gateway).
Thus, the fritz device tracker always works, no matter what WLAN they are.

Thanks @CM000n : I am “not_home” :smile: right now and I will check this evening about this
Anyway, the question still remains :" how can I combine fritz device tracker with nmap tracker"?
Unfortunately, I am in the case where my Xiaomi M5 android phone goes in sleep dropping Wifi and I looking into combine methods to avoid this.

Ahh, now I understand the question properly :wink:
That should not be that difficult.

Just setup both, your fritz device tracker and your nmap device tracker.
Then put your monitored devices from both trackers into one group (for example: group.your_xiaomi_device).
This group should then show the status home as soon as your device appears as home in one of the two trackers. Only if it appears in both trackers as not_home also the group should show not_home.

Thanks @CM000n, I already set the fritz and the nmap trackers.
I totally missing the second part: I am able to create groups (I did with my Yeelight bulbs) but I’m not be able to create a group of trackers checking only one device and the logic behind the combination of them.

Ok, it looks like you’re right.
I set up a NMAP and a Fritz Tracker quickly with remote access on my HA Server.
Obviously, the results of both trackers are grouped together under the router source type without being able to distinguish them.
Maybe the known devices are already summarized by the MAC address and grouped in this way.
Have you ever tested this?

I set up a NMAP and a Fritz Tracker quickly with remote access on my HA Server

Can you please copy/paste that block fo code?



#                                                  #
#                                                  #


device_tracker: !include device_tracker.yaml



#                                                  #
#           DEVICE TRACKER - FRITZBOX              #
#                                                  #


 - platform: fritz
   username: !secret fritz_devicetracker_username
   password: !secret fritz_devicetracker_password
   interval_seconds: 5
   consider_home: 180
   track_new_devices: yes

#                                                  #
#              DEVICE TRACKER - NMAP               #
#                                                  #


 - platform: nmap_tracker
   home_interval: 3

#                                                  #
#             DEVICE TRACKER - PING                #
#                                                  #


 - platform: ping

#                                                  #
#            END OF CONFIGUATION FILE              #
#                                                  #

@CM000n, I just checked:
I have a Samsung S5 connected to the Fritz Repeater.
I can see it on the web console of the repeater but I can’t see it on the web console of the Fritz Router.

So I really want to try to track my Mi5 phone with the two repeaters and the box.
Otherwise the only way will be the gpslogger way.

Hi @boggiano,

it doesn’t matter what wireless devices you can see on your router :wink:
Instead it matters what you can see as a network device under
“Home Network” --> "“Home Network Overview” --> “Network Connections”

For example here you can see my Moto G4 on the first floor which is connected to the repeater on the first floor and shows up as a network device on my router at the second floor:

But yes, it can take some time till the router recognizes and shows up a device correctly that is connected via a repeater. :smirk: Maybe you can try to give your devices fixed IP’s and track them via PING?
That would be a simple and reliable way to tell if the devices are online in the network.

Thanks @CM000n, I have learn something new, today!
And now it’s clear why I don’t need to use the repeaters as tracking system!!

Maybe you can try to give your devices fixed IP’s and track them via PING?

Sadly, I can’t: the first problem is that the phone’s Wifi goes down when the screen is off!
No matter what I set in the preferences: it goes off after about six minutes.
I think that I have to go with GPLogger if I want to track my Mi5.

Thanks a lot!

That’s right. No matter what you use, Fritz, NMAP or PING, they are all depend on a active network connection.
Does your device reconnect to your network at some time by itself or does it stay offline from your network till you reconnect it by yourself?

If it reconnects by itself you can try to increase the consider_home time in your configuration.
If it does not reconnect on its own, you actually need to use some app or other method.
Maybe you can give Owntracks a try;

Or flash a custom ROM like LineageOS on your Mi5
(just a joke :smiley: )

Wish you good luck and happy trying :wink:

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@CM000n, sorry to bother you again, but I have this behavior:
if the phone is connected to the repeater I see it on the router, as well, with the words
connected to Fritz17505GHz” and that’s ok!

If I disconnect the phone from the wifi: it disappears from the repeater, almost immediately, but I continue to see on the router for about ten minutes.
Is it the same for you ?

Hi @boggiano, no problem :wink:
Yes that can happen.
As I have already written to a previous post, it may sometimes take some time for the router to correctly recognize and list a device on the network.

I also got the issue that it can take a couple of Minutes (most of the time 5-15 min) before ha is setting my iPhone as home; when switched from router WiFi to repeater WiFi. I would like to solve this without other apps. Wouldn’t it possible to use the repeater ip in the device tracker ip? And use multiple fritz device trackers including the repeaters? The 1750e has a web interface also.

I am using two repeaters (450 and 1750) but I am using (as suggested) only the Router IP as tracker device:

  • platform: fritz
    track_new_devices: False
    consider_home: 60
    interval_seconds: 6

I have 10 minutes lag when I go “not_home” and I was connetted at the repeater.
(FritzBox takes that time before being aware that the phone is not linked to the repeater anymore).

But entering “home” takes a very little time!
Keep in mind: entering at home, I need to “wake up” the phone, so it can connect almost immediately to the WiFi Network; otherwise I have to wait a lot!

To my mind, the NMAP device_tracker works a bit more reliably and faster than the FRITZ device_tracker.
Maybe you can give it a try…

Hi all, sorry if I write in this topic after a long time, I’m having a strange behaviour of fritz tracker with my phone. I explain my setup: router Fritzbox 7590 and repeater 1750E, on Hassio, setted device tracker fritz with as host the 7590 ip, my phone is seen at home if connected to the router. The net with repeater is a mesh net, so with the same SSID and password, obiously the repeater has a personal ip. If the phone is connected to the repeater, in Hassio I see the phone not_home and maybe this is correct. Can I add more than 1 host in fritz platform configuration? so that if my phone is connected to the router or to the repeater, Hassio sees it always as AT HOME?
Thank you for help.
P.S. I added also an esp32 as bluetooth scanner for bluetooth nuts, in order to avoid presence false positive, but after some time the esp32 is not reacheable, maybe because it can’t connect to the right wifi net, router and repeater are not so far, maybe I must place them far?

Hello Fabietto,

did you find a way? I like to track my phone on Fritzbox and Repeater both should show as “Home” but also show different areas.