Tradfri 5-button remote events not registering with ZHA

I am using HA core 2021.7 with sonoff zigbee controller using tasmota firmaware and ncp_uart_nsw version 6.7.9. I have other zigbee devices working fine and now I am trying to pair the IKEA Tradfri 5 button remote. The pairing appears to be successful but I only see a single entity for battery power under the device.
I tried listening to zha_event from developer tools but I don’t see any events while pressing buttons on the remote. I enabled all zigbee logging and I do see this on the logs:

2021-08-08 11:17:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Received messageSentHandler frame with [<EmberOutgoingMessageType.OUTGOING_MULTICAST: 3>, 65533, EmberApsFrame(profileId=260, clusterId=6, sourceEndpoint=1, destinationEndpoint=255, options=<EmberApsOption.APS_OPTION_ENABLE_ROUTE_DISCOVERY: 256>, groupId=0, sequence=183), 0, <EmberStatus.DELIVERY_FAILED: 102>, b'']
2021-08-08 11:17:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Unexpected message send notification tag: 0

In this log I do see the clusterId value of 6 which corresponds to the power button which is what I pressed, so something is working but the “unexpected message” is probably where something is going wrong.
Any pointers to get this remote integrated with HA is much appreciated.