Trådfri integration - How much control?

Now I’m running with only the remotes and sensors on the conbee dongle using the ZHA integration… Ikea bulbs are on the Ikea hub, and Phillips Hue bulbs and others are on the Hue hub… This seems to be working pretty good right now… Just don’t hope theres too much delay on the sensors

Hi francisp.
I also have some problems with slow response on IKEA TRADFRI bulbs and IKEA integration.
If I pair them with my zigbee2mqtt network, response is OK.
But how do you implement the standard behaviour of the IKEA remotes? Is there an easy way (automation/pluin/…) to have exactly the same behaviour as the standard IKEA remotes? light up/dow, color change, etc…


Have a look at controllerx.

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Hi @bartplessers,

I remember I helped you set up this with Native HA Automations with YAML and a Python Script. However, I took that further and I created an AppDaemon app that I also linked in the original post where I help you out (Please help: automation for IKEA TRADFRI remote control (E1524/E1810)).

If you have any problems installing or configuring ControllerX, just let me know. I will be glad to help you out :slight_smile:

Xavi M.

Hi @xaviml !

Of course I do remember your great help on this!!!

I will give it a shot in the weekend if I find some time.

Just a bit frustrated on the standard integration of IKEA hub in home assistant.
HA is my hobby project, and I love a lot of features. But experimenting also means that HA is not always online. So I was trying to have “standard” functionality with out-of-the-box IKEA hardware.
And some fancy extra features with the help of HA. I don’t want to rely fully on HA for basic stuf.

However, for some reason the IKEA integration is not alway reliable. I have 4 servers (dev/quality/production/dr) in my own home, without any problems. All running on RPI But in my other home, the IKEA integration does not work so well. Latency, or if the IKEA hub is rebooted, you have to reload the HA integration, etc…

But sInce I’ve only read good things about Controller X, no doubt it will be a pleasant experience this weekend :slight_smile:
