So, it’s the LED1837R5. I have them working with a Raspbee II (which is the Conbee as RPi add-on-module) and Zigbee2MQTT. It is reported to work with ZHA also.
Factory reset did go well (6x off/on) and the buld started to pulse, indicating ready for pairing?
Hmm, can’t help more, sorry. I considered the USB3 interference problem, but you used an extension cable already.
I tried ZHA once, but it lacked support for Innr lamps, so switched to Zigbee2MQTT. I have OSRAM, IKEA, Innr and Hue components working with this setup.
I have the Tradfri GU10 working with Conbee usb, what i had to do is make a make shift plug in switch GU10 bulb holder (lamp), and i have it close to the usb stick, you need to reset the bulb turning it on / off approx 7 times until a long flash then its ready to pair, i used the Deconz integration and if i remember correctly i triggered pairing mode in Deconz then switched the bulb on waited approx 10 to 20 seconds and Deconz picked it up.
also another work around that i found which is similar to mine ish below and hope that helps.
I’ve got a bunch of older ikea gu10’s and they pair perfectly fine. Something I did find frustrating is that to reset the ikea bulb you need to turn it on and off 7 or 8 times to put them into pairing mode.
My procedure is to set the web ui to search for lights.
Reset the Ikea lights by turning on and off at the switch 7 times.
Then the bulbs flash in response to being in pairing mode and then add one by one.