Tradfri Zigbee Button's on sale ($3) at IKEA

Just went to IKEA for the first time in 20 years and the wife and I found the Zigbee Buttons (Tradfri) onsale from 15.99 down to $3 for each. I grabbed 15 of them just for the price alone, being able to hide and set them everywhere for quick action automations/scenes. At first I thought the battery was not included, but then found the CR2032 in a small envilope in the box.

Just setup one of the buttons via Zigbee2MQTT and it works awesome. Joined right up by pressing the join button 4 times with no issues. Just wanted to spread the amazing price for these! Not sure if its some presedents day sale or not or if its only in my location where its at. This is the IKEA in Tempe, Arizona.

The local IKEA cleared them out a few weeks ago (CAD$4). I imagine it’s because they are being replaced by the new SOMRIG shortcut button. The dimmer switch version was also cleared out and is being replaced by RODRET. I missed that clearance sale but then found two of them in the As-Is section for CAD$6 each.

FWIW, the local IKEA’s As-Is section has been a good source for their Tradfri line of Zigbee devices at reduced prices. They have the original warranty and are returnable (money refunded as a gift card).

I think the most troublesome device I encountered was the STYRBAR dimmer switch. Pairing was fine, it works well, but upgrading its firmware (via Zigbee2MQTT) was an involved process. IKEA changed the device’s firmware numbering scheme so its original firmware is seen to be newer than the latest firmware (so it refuses to upgrade). To circumvent it, you have to force it to upgrade from a local copy of the new firmware … then unpair it and pair it again (full instructions are in its description page).

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Yep they have announed “Last chance to buy” for the IKEA TRÅDFRI shortcut button (E1812)

Ah nice. Yeah I saw the new 2 button remotes there. Instead of a button, its more of a mini remote style and has an up/down. Also, it was only $9.99. So the price on that was even great. I almost picked up a few of them, but thought , no, my wife loses the TV remote after 5 seconds (To the point where I put a “currly phone cord” retainer on it and strapped it to the table, so now it can’t get lost), that thing will be gone for good. These buttons have been great and work amazingly with Zigbee2MQTT. I wish I got more. But thank you for the link and info. I hadn’t used any IKEA smart home devices until now. I’ve seen so many threads over the years about the amazing price to quality with them. But when I go online, its all instore only and its a 30 mile/nearly 1.75 hr drive from my house to IKEA…