I need help, a basic automation for the family to get an understanding on where the electric price is, to not turn on excessive electric appliances during expensive hours.
Im trying to replicate waltrix watches with HA and lights i already have at hand.
https walltrix dot se
Im trying to learn create advanced automations.
So far im only creating automations with the HA gui witch works great!
But not for more complex stuff
I get all values from nordpool integration and get a lot of useful information i can use from that. I dont know how to compare two values and if above/between/under i want to control a rgb light to state red/yellow/green.
I have figured out i need to create a yaml template?
You have seen this a couple of times i guess
My yaml skills are questionable but i want give it a go.
So my thoughts what i want to achive,
if sensor.nordpool_kwh_se3_sek_2_095_025 current_price
less then off_peak_2
set light.bulb_6_multi_color to green
if sensor.nordpool_kwh_se3_sek_2_095_025 current_price
greater then off_peak_2 && less then mean ( between off_peak_2 & mean )
set light.bulb_6_multi_color to yellow
if sensor.nordpool_kwh_se3_sek_2_095_025 current_price
greater then mean
set light.bulb_6_multi_color to red
And if some one can help me with templates for doing precentages aswell if i want to play around for optimal values and to learn what is hapening when changing stuff would be appritiated.
Thanks in advance!