Train local ML models with image and sensor data

My teammate, @HipsterBrown , built a custom integration with step-by-step instructions using Viam to train local ML models with images and sensor data from your connected devices.

To enable smarter, context-aware automations, like:

  • Alerting only for unexpected presence instead of every motion.
  • Adjusting the thermostat based on who’s in the room.

We’d love your feedback if you give it a try!

Viam can deploy and run models locally. If you want to train a custom ML model using Viam, images need to be uploaded to Viam cloud.

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How is this local? Requires sending all your data to viam?

Hi @tc23 - I edited the original post to clarify.

You can use Viam to deploy and run models locally on your own hardware.

If you want to train a custom ML model, you can train your own model and use Viam to deploy it to your device. Or training can be done in the Viam cloud, in which case images used for training need to be stored in Viam. But you can delete it as soon as you’re done training.

Thanks! This provides better clarity imo

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