Trane XR524 gives me *4* entities

I’m new to HA and Zwave and all of this. I recently installed two trane xr524’s. They work great as standalone. Enrolling them in the HA zwave config worked fine. Except, each trane yields 4 entities.

I have

  • Heat_1
  • Heat_Econ
  • Cool_1
  • Cool_Econ
    I’ve renamed them like: image
    It’s winter here, so I can concern myself with Heat only.

Controlling the mode between Heat/Cool on the heat entity updates modes on the others.

My question(s) are:

  1. Anyone have one of these, and get it to be one entity? How can I merge these together?
  2. How might I enable/disable the schedule on the unit from HA?

#1 No, not possible. but you may create single seperate entity and link to these by automations

I have xr524 but not working properly since I move to using built in openzwave and not separated open zwave

Are you able to control heat/cool mode and temperature setting using one of these?

Thank you. I didn’t think so. It appears I can change the setpoint, and set mode between heat,cool and fan circulate modes. I haven’t really checked how cool works from the ‘heat_1’ entity, because its 20F outside.

I was hoping I’d be able to change the schedule enable, hold, set eco mode etc. That said, I can manage to get the same function out of it through automations.

It is interesting how each entity has the setpoint set differently.

After seeing yours working decided to delete and readd mine to network. Now working again

Heat_1 control heat only and show heat setting
Cool_1 control cool only and show cool setting
Both allow control heat/cool mode and neither show current temp

There is 5th entity, sensor.trane_xr… that shows current temp

Lovelace UI can can show these in single card

I think easiest option is use generic thermostat component and tie these (2) climate entity and (1) sensor this this so you get single control.

I will be trying this and post result if finish

So I’m testing out more:

If I set the the mode to Cool, then setpoint is set using the Cool_1 entity. Just as you described.

If I set the mode to Energy Save Mode (can only do that on the device itself), then heat setpoint and cool setpoints are set seperately with the Heat_Econ and Cool_Econ entities. This makes sense

I found I can set Schedule to Run or Hold using the dev-service panel in hassio. Parameter 76, 1/0 schedule/hold.

When I set the device to ESM (again, on the device), it emits a change to parameter 77 (2 is ESM, 0 is not). But I’m unable to change the ESM state from the control panel in hassio.

I realize at this point, I’m just rambling because I’m looking at 5 different things at once. But I might be on to something. I should be able to show/hide setpoints based on a selected mode in lovelace.

I have decided to leave these seperated for now. I am not using lovelace UI so maybe it will change with that but while this can be accomplished by automation it just is not worth it based on my need.

I currently use (2) enitiies; heat_econ and cool_econ. I can set mode from both and see current temp. I place both into group and basically keep mode at AUTO. with this, seeing both heat and cool temp is actually desireable for me.

I will only be making automation for set AWAY temp and day/night temps

I was setting up generic thermostat component and realized it wouldnt provide any better operation or appearance

Thanks for checking in! I Agree. This setup still “works” for me. Quite well. Better than without the automation and remote access available. It just grinds my gears that all the functions aren’t available.

I’m not sure how to go about it, but I’m going to try and make sure that this thermostat model gets updated in the OpenZWave device database.

I’ve found, and updated my own local xml config, the Hold, Schedule, ESM setting. I just need to find a way to get events fired when the config update is broadcast from the device.

I have a Trane TZEMT524AA21MA thermostat and I have the same problem with it showing the four entities. I would love to get this into one usable component. I’d be willing to help out on this, just unsure of what the “right” way to go about it would be. Should it really be done in the OpenZWave config or a custom UI component?

I’m out of my depth, but it shouldn’t be too tough to show the right set points based on it’s current mode.

I added what I did to get the hold/run/esm modes more accessible in another thread. Maybe it should be combined In to a custom component, or maybe just make it make “sense” with UI trickery

Is there other zwave thermostat that show this as single item? Is it a trane?

I think if either above is YES then open zwave is place to make changes.

If all zwave with similar function show multiple entity then maybe a custom component similar to Generic Climate or a modified version of generic climate may be OK. Generic Climate currently lacks ability to up/down setpoints of separate entity as it expect to be controller for separate relays controlling heat/cool/fan.

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I use this, to get one thermostat card: