Transfer Existing SSD boot to Larger SSD

I have a working external SSD drive that is my hassio boot drive. I want to upgrade/replace that drive with a larger external SSD. (One that can also house my media library.)
Is there a recommended process for this? Should I start over like a new setup and then copy the configs or can I simply use a tool to duplicate the existing, smaller drive to the new larger done?

what I did was full backup put in safe place

do a new install

added the samba share put backup into backup folder

rebooted HA

then did a restore

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I’ve used Minitool Partition Wizard to copy from disc to disk, same or larger size using a HDD cradle for one and an USB to SATA adaptor for the other. Seamless and easy.
BTW, there is a free version of PW.

Thaksn everyone for the recommendations. I will be working on the migration over the Christmas break. I am going to first try Minitool

I think the latest versions may have removed the disc copy so download version 10.

I tried to use a 4TB Western Digital Blue drive. The drive works on my windows box. On the Raspberry Pi , it will not complete the boot. I used the same cable that worked with my other SSD. The documentation I reviewed says Western Digital is compatible. Could it be a power issue? I am using the standard Pi 4 power supply.

I am opening a new topic specific to this SSD Drive.