Transfer home assistant's data to my MQTT server

I have a MQTT server up and running. I want to configure home assistant to publish all changes and messages received from all sensors it is connected to, to my MQTT server. Is it possible? If yes, how?

I don’t know these components very well but I think they may be what you want:

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I read the two components description. I want to send data to my own mQTT server. How and where should I define the IP address of the machine running my MQTT server?

The document says:

When any Home Assistant entity changes, this component will publish that change to MQTT.

But which MQTT?

I may be wrong but I think the following page is what you are looking for.

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Yeah basically you need to set up the mqtt component pointing to your own server.

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I’ve already configured my own MQTT server on my machine. I want MQTT Statestream/ Enentstream component to send their data to my own MQTT server. How can I do that ?

As far as I can understand it once you define your MQTT broker the Statestream / Eventstream will use those configs for the MQTT server details.

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I think you are right. That totally makes sense. Let me test it. I will tell you the result.

Unfortunately I currently don’t have a sensor or anything to test this out. However, I added the device_tracker and home assistant sent the data to my MQTT broker. I think it’s working fine.
Thank you