Transfer or Migration to a backup hass server?

is it possible to migrate from the primary assistant to the secondary without the help of a snapshot?
I don’t want to transfer any unnecessary records in files from various experiments.
I would like the purest homeassistant.
The target is two identical servers, but always only one running.

These two statements contradict each other.

And what records from various experimwnts are you talking about? The logs? The db? What is your end goal with these two “identical” instances?

yes, the statement is inaccurate.
The primary goal is to create a minimalist, 100% functional copy (not a clone) of the server. Exclude remnants of, for example, ewelink and other supplements that I have ever tried to use or have just become acquainted with.

I would simply like to transfer active automation, entities, devices, scripts, helpers.

I will re-install the necessary extensions and active add-ons on a clean secondary server.

One server will always be idle in the backup, and the other will be active.

Later snapshots are obvious.

These two statements are diametrically opposed. You can’t do both.

The simplest way would be to copy across your config files only. Then manually set up all the integrations again.

I don’t believe there are any ‘remnants’ once you remove these… except for the database which you can purge/repack anyway…

I migrated automation, I migrated scripts.
The problem is with the migration of helpers.
If I can migrate helpers, that’s all I need.
Then just connect the Tasmota Sonoff device and it should be done?

OK, repeat the question

is it possible to migrate from the primary assistant to the secondary without the help of a snapshot?

Please keep it civil, no need for personal attacks!

What helpers are you talking about? Input_booleans, input_select etc.? Did you configure them through the GUI? How many helpers are we talking about? 10? 100? more?
