Transition time in custom button card


I am trying to understand how to program a custom button card. I was able to set up most of it. However, I am not able to set up a transition time of 2 seconds when calling for a service which activate a Philips Hue scene. I did the following:

> type: custom:button-card
> name: Bright
> styles:
>   card:
>     - font-size: 30px
> aspect_ratio: 1/0.75
> tap_action:
>   action: call-service
>   service: hue.activate_scene
>   service_data:
>     entity_id: scene.office_bright
>   data:
>     transition: 2

Is there a way to have 2 seconds of “transition time” when activating my Philips Hue scene in custom button card?


I’d like to do something similar, how did you end up handling this?