Translate states in template

Hi there.

I’m trying to display two strings depending on one input_datetime.
The first one should display the date and time and the second the time passed since this datetime.

{{ states(entity) }}
# 2024-08-26 22:30:00
{{ time_since(as_local(as_datetime(states(entity), now())), 2) }}
# 3 months 2 days

My goal is to get this values translated to German. It is set in my configuration and I already tried to use state_translated, but it’s not applying any translation.

I would expect to get:

26. August 2024 um 22:30
3 Monate 2 Tage

Any hint how to achieve this?

This may help you:

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Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for. I’m still wondering why it’s not translated by default.