Transmission / Add_torrent

Hello Dear Community,

I would like to get some short help in a really easy thing. Im newbie and I never used something like that. I would like to use Integration called “Transmission”. I have a torrent server what I connected perfectly and can see the values already, the only thing I want to add is a Service called Add_Torrent. I dont know how to do that. I dont know where to start. I would like to get an input text box on the main page and there I can copy paste URLs of torrent files, so the download will start. How can I achieve this?

Here is the lnik to see the official information:

My settings:


Thank you very much.

Hello, You’ll need a script to run the adding of a torrent.

    - service: transmission.add_torrent
        name: Torrent
        torrent: "{{ states('input_text.addtorrent') }}"

Place the script in your card and remove your automation.

Problem solved. Automation needed not Script.

The problem was the name: The name have to be the name of the Integration name.

What you defined in configuration.yml as transmission: (here the name).

Working correctly.

Best regards,

I have been trying to accomplish this for a few months. Could you post your automation?

I hope it will help you, if not just write to me.

  • id: ‘1584437693481’
    alias: Add Torrent
    description: ‘’
    • entity_id: input_text.addtorrent
      platform: state
      service: transmission.add_torrent
      name: Transmission
      torrent: ‘{{ states(“input_text.addtorrent”) }}’

I have two questions. 1) Where did you get the id for the entity or was it assigned automatically? 2) How did you get the text input box in the frontend? Thank you for your help. I greatly appreciate it!

the entity is an input_text entity, and it has it’s own integration. You have to create it.

Create the input text, then put it in your frontend.

Petro wrote it perfectly.

Just a little help for you. Go to customization.yml and add this entity.

name: Add Torrent

customization or configuration.yaml?
cause I don’t see a customization.yaml, should I create?

I have this in the configuration.yaml

    name: Add Torrent

Sorry I missed the name.

Have you ever had a URL over 255 characters? Do you have a solution for longer URLs since the input_text is limited to 255 characters?

Same issue. Not a torrent URL, but a URL longer than 255 characters. Is there a solution?