Transmission Integration - send notification if downloads are 100% complete

I have this automation:

alias: torrent completed in Transmission notification
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: sensor.transmission_paused_torrents
    from: '0'
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - service: notify.mobile_app_garretts_iphone
      message: >-
        {% set payload = state_attr('sensor.transmission_paused_torrents',
        'torrent_info') %}

        {% for torrent in payload.items() %} {% set name = torrent[0] %} {% set
        data = torrent[1] %}

        {{ name }} is {{ data.percent_done }}% complete {% endfor %}
mode: queued

that sends a push notification to my phone when a torrent is paused/stopped. How would I tweak the trigger or add a condition so that the notification is only sent if the stopped torrent is finished or 100% complete?

I did a similar condition like so:

{% set payload = state_attr('sensor.transmission_paused_torrents', 'torrent_info') %}
{% for torrent in payload.items() %} 
{% set name = torrent[0] %} 
{% set data = torrent[1] %}
{% if '0.00' in data.percent_done %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}