I’d like to remove the icon background, so it’s not grey. Would anyone know how this could be done using card-mod??
sorry im still learning…
I’d like to remove the icon background, so it’s not grey. Would anyone know how this could be done using card-mod??
sorry im still learning…
Please post your code using the community standards
See #11
Hi together,
I have the same question. I tried e.g., the following YAML but without success.
Many thanks upfront!!
event_grouping: true
drop_todayevents_from: "10:00:00"
next_days: 30
- icon: mdi:flower
color: brown
type: organic
label: Biomüll
pattern: Bioabfall
- icon: mdi:newspaper
color: green
type: paper
label: Altpapier
pattern: Altpapier
- icon: mdi:recycle-variant
color: yellow
type: recycle
label: Gelber Sack
pattern: Gelber Sack
- icon: mdi:trash-can-outline
color: light-grey
type: waste
label: Restmüll
pattern: Restabfall
- icon: mdi:dump-truck
color: purple
type: others
day_style: weekday
day_style_format: yyyy.MM.dd
card_style: card
alignment_style: left
color_mode: icon
items_per_row: 2
refresh_rate: 60
with_label: true
layout: default
type: custom:trash-card
- calendar.abfallkalender
filter_events: false
only_all_day_events: false
use_summary: false
hide_time_range: false
full_size: false
style: |
:ha-card {
tile-color: transparent !important;