TreatLife Intertek SS02 Switch Pairing Guide (change firmware of BK7231 to multiplatform firmware to pair and get free from cloud)

Here’s our another short guide made for Home Assistant users.
It shows you how you can free Intertek Treatlife switch with BK7231T (WB3S module) from the cloud and prepare for pairing with Home Assistant.

For the pairing itself, which is not covered in the video, it’s also very easy - just go to Options->Home Assistant Config and start HA Discovery.
The device is flashed with our multiplatform firmware for new Tuya modules, BK7231T, BK7231N, T34, BL602, W800, W801, W600,W601, XR3, and so on… :

You can also find a global list of supported devices here:
You can also submit a new device for our list and get a free Elektroda gadgets set:
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. We’re here to help getting your device cloud-free and paired with HA.

With the ESP8266 versions of the switch and Tasmota, I had to add some rules to get it to work correctly in a 3-way circuit and with HA.

What entities does your firmware expose and are their similar rules that need to be applied to correctly track the on/off state of the circuit?
