Trend integration moved to the UI

In the 2024.1 release, the Trend integration was moved to the UI. I was suprised that I didn’t get a repair asking me to remove my yaml code.

Anyway, I tried to set up the sensor through the UI. My yaml is:

# Sensor to indicate dishwasher is cooling down
- platform: trend
      entity_id: sensor.kitchen_dishwasher_temperature
      invert: false
      friendly_name: Dishwasher is Cooling Down
      min_gradient: -0.00083
      max_samples: 3
      sample_duration: 1800

When I try and set a max gradient of -0.00083 I’m told that this isn’t allowed - too small.

What can I do? Should I just leave my sensor in yaml? I’d like to move it so I can assign an area.

As far as I know, none of the sensor types that were made available as a helper are migrated automatically. That is only done with integrations. It is up to you to remove them from yaml and manually create them in the gui or leave it as is. I do not think the yaml is deprecated, so that will stay working.

As far as limits go, I don’t know why the UI would limit the value there, so I would keep it in yaml if that works for you.

Thanks, @Edwin_D

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