Tried to add a zone and now I can't connect

I’m new to HA. Finally figured out how to get a few things added and was running some automations. I really like the system when I can get things to work.

Today, I was going to add some new zones my work and the kid’s schools.

I logged into my pi using the DuckDNS link and was modifying my yaml as I followed along with the youtube video.

I entered this code (made up coordinates):

  - name: school
    latitude: 89.842894
    longitude: -61.399963
    radius: 150
    icon: mdi:school 

I restarted and now I can’t connect. When I try to log in from DuckDNS, it says it can’t connect. When I try to log in locally on the network just by going to the IP address, it says it can’t connect.

I check the Fing app and the pi is connected to the network.

No clue what to do at this point. Do I reformat the SD and start over? On top of this, I can’t remember my Putty username/pw, so I can’t even log in that way at the moment either. Would appreciate any help. Thank you.

It would appear you forgot to run a configuration check before restarting.

Did you install the Samba add-on too (assuming you used You could edit the file that way.

Yes, I did install Samba. How would I edit the file using it? I"m struggling to understand what Samba does.

Thanks fro responding!

I understand now! I’ll give it a try when I get home. Thank you!!