Trigerring an action using https rest calls from a web browser

is it possible to call HASS from outside (like from a web browser) using a REST call (supplying a token with the call?) to perform an action/run automation?

There are two ways to call into HA using HTTP:

  1. Using a webhook. You need to POST to [Your HA Instance]/api/webhook/[WebHookID], and set up a trigger for an automation to run. This way doesn’t use HA’s security, and simply requires a hard-to-guess webhook ID. HA uses two concatenated GUIDs (with no hyphens) by default for integrations.
  2. Using the REST API, but that means you need to alter the request’s headers to include a (login or long-lived) access token.

Neither are particularly nice to have to do with a browser. I don’t think there’s a way to just use a GET request.

sounds interesting. in general i don’t intend to use a browser, but there are calls i wish to do from Tasker (android) which is currently using another https server i’m using. i’ll check that out - using web hook sounds like a good choice - 2 guids key is secured enough under https.
anyway if it’s possible to use POST instead of get and delegate the calls to GET, there won’t be an issue.