Trigger a group of sensors

First thanks a lot @123 to helping me with the trigger configuration. Learned a lot today.

My current issue.
I have a group of hygrometers to measure humidity. If one in the group reaches the max value (>60%) a message will be sent. If a second hygrometer in the group reaches this value, no more messages will be sent as long as the 1st value is still over >60%.

Do anybody have a good idea how to solve this issue?

First i tried of using a wildcard instead of using group. But I saw there is no possibility to use wildcards to grouping sensors.

Could you use a min/max helper?

The group is a platform: min_max helper. Or what do you mean?

All you need is single Numeric State Trigger monitoring the sensor group and triggering when it exceeds 60.

It will trigger when one of the sensors in the group is above 60. It won’t trigger again if a second sensor reports above 60.

alias: example
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.your_hygrometers
    above: 60
condition: []
  - service: notify.persistent_notification
      message: Humidity exceeded 60% 

This is in place:

  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.group_homeatic_humidity_max
    above: 60

Thats the issue. I need a trigger for the second sensor, because it’s another room.

Was that requirement mentioned in your first post?

Here’s what it stated:

If a second hygrometer in the group reaches this value, no more messages will be sent as long as the 1st value is still over >60%.

Yes that’s the current situation. Second sensor reach > 60% during the first sensor still is >60%, then no trigger is executed.
Currently I sent a message like: Humidity too high for room xyz, but for the second room there is no message, because the first room have to reach < 60%.

There was no mention of rooms in your first post. It’s unclear to me how the “group of hygrometers” mentioned in the first post is related to the “second sensor” in “another room”.

List all of the entities involved in this application and how they’re related.

Each room has a hygrometer. All hygrometers are in a min/max group.
As soon as a hygrometer >60% a message is sent: “Humidity too high for room xyz”
That works fine.

But as long as a hygrometer is above 60% and the trigger is not reset, there are no further messages for the other hygrometers in the other rooms when they have reached >60%.

Small Sequenz:

Happy Path:
Hygrometer1 room kitchen 50%
Hygrometer2 living room 40%

Hygrometer1 room kitchen reach >60%, notification for room kitchen
Hygrometer2 living room 40%

Hygrometer1 room kitchen reach <60%, trigger reset
Hygrometer2 living room 58%

Hygrometer1 room kitchen reach 50%
Hygrometer2 living room >60%, notification for living room

No Happy Path:
Hygrometer1 room kitchen 50%
Hygrometer2 living room 40%

Hygrometer1 room kitchen reach >60%, notification for room kitchen
Hygrometer2 living room 40%

Hygrometer1 room kitchen still >60%, no trigger reset
Hygrometer2 living room 58%

Hygrometer1 room kitchen still >60%
Hygrometer2 living room >60%, no notification for the living room

Post the automation you are currently using to send a notification when a room’s humidity increases above 60%.

This is my current automation.

alias: Notification Humidity too high
description: ""
  - platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.group_homeatic_humidity_max
    above: 60
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Humidity too high
      message: >-
        Humidity too high for{{
        states('sensor.group_homeatic_humidity_room_name') }} 
mode: single

Instead of using sensor.group_homeatic_humidity_max, have you considered simply listing all of the humidity sensors in the Numeric State Trigger?

alias: Notification Humidity too high
description: ""
  - platform: numeric_state
      - sensor.kitchen_hygrometer
      - sensor.living_room_hygrometer
      - sensor.other_room_etc
    above: 60
condition: []
  - service: notify.notify
      title: Humidity too high
      message: >-
        Humidity too high for {{ }} 
mode: single
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No, because:

  1. Homeatic integration have no friendly names what I see currently, but I learned I could add something with customize and add the friendly names. → so imho this is better than know with a sensor
  2. Found no wildcard like sensor.hygrometer_*. This not possible, right? So I thought i have to duplicate this list.

I think your proposal is better, but then i cannot reuse the group for other things/automation and have to duplicate this list. But yes maybe I don’t need it, if the friendly names works.