Trigger a switch when button is pressed AND entity change not older than time

I tried to solve this but I can´t figure out how to do it. I try so set up an automation that:

button press (entity changes from off to on)

onyl if the change of the ssid from my phone (freshly connected to wifi due to coming home) is not older than x minutes.

→ this should make sure that the automation is only active when I recently came home.

Turn entity on

I only made automations through the ui but I understand the basics of yaml. But I can´t find a way to do it.

Maybe with a helper binary sensor that is only true when the condition is met but that state template js is out of my abilities.

Any help appreciated.

{% if states.sensor.your_sensor_here.last_changed %}
  {{ (as_timestamp(now()) - as_timestamp(states.sensor.your_sensor_here.last_changed)) < 60 }}
{% endif %}

This checks if the change happend under one minute ago. You can test the condition with the menu of the block in the automation.