Hey, i have below
On notification below when i click on “hikconnect” acrions, it opens my hikconnect app on android
but is t also possible to fire an service right before opening the app?
Basicly when i click on that action, it want it to do 2 things
- service: !secret notify_ha_fabio
title: "Doorbell"
message: "Someone at the door..."
channel: Deurbel
clickAction: !secret camera_url
- action: "URI"
title: "HikConnect"
uri: "app://com.hikvision.hikconnect"
you can try to see if you get a notification cleared event, otherwise you can try to have the action send back an event and from there you fire your service and launch the app using command_activity
ah, that command activity is indeed new to me, thnx for pointing
I was reading about it, seems there is a tag/title
Does that actually means you can go a a specific setting/page within an app?
I have a doorcom app, i need to open it, access the specific device and start audio , so basicly i need todo 3 things, can this be simulated somehow? or am i misunderstanding this?
also, another question, can i also use the command_activity ; but not from an notification action? but based on a state of a sensor in HA? lets say, a a sensor changes, state, instead of sending a notification, can i also open the an app or the HA app and wake the device?
also, what do you mean by: “you can try to see if you get a notification cleared event”
was already trying just opening the app on my phone with this script :
alias: Test APP
- service: !secret notify_ha_fabio
message: command_activity
title: com.hikvision.hikconnect
channel: com.hikvision.hikconnect
tag: android.intent.action.VIEW
but, when i do that, i receive an error on my HA app something : cannot send job, check layout?
already test from a weblink, thats seems to work , but i need to to fire from a script or from a service that i can use in an action on HA companion app
- type: entities
title: Asterisk
show_header_toggle: false
- type: weblink
name: Hikvision
url: "app://com.hikvision.hikconnect"