Post the other sensor. Maybe it has more useful data because this one is nothing more than a text string (which makes me wonder why you tried to use its timestamp
attribute when it clearly doesn’t have one).
Paste this into the Template Editor and see if it produces the result you want:
{{ (states('sensor.fjr_p') | as_datetime | as_local - timedelta(minutes=15)).timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}
The time is correct now! Do i need to make a sensor of it and then use it for automations or is there another way for this?
It’s your choice, it can be used in an automation’s Template Trigger or in a Template Sensor. It all depends on your intended application.
Thank you verry much! Gonna test this out.
I don’t know if you are aware but if you intend to use it in a Template Trigger, you will need to enhance it slightly:
{{ now().ctime()[11:16] >= (states('sensor.fjr_p') | as_datetime | as_local - timedelta(minutes=15)).timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%H:%M') }}
Template trigger is the one in the automations right?
It is working! I dont understand it but it is working. Now gonna use the same template and edit a bit. Where can i learn those things?
This thread helped me quite a bit. However I am struggling quite a bit. I am trying to calculate a trigger time based on an input_datetime and a numeric sensor. When I try it in the Jinja 2 template editor I get results, but when I try to make sensors out of them I only get unkown. I am wondering what I am doing wrong.
- platform: template
value_template: '{{ as_timestamp(states("input_datetime.geplante_fahrt")) | int }}'
device_class: timestamp
friendly_name: 'Time to Charge'
value_template: '{{ (as_timestamp(states("input_datetime.geplante_fahrt")) | int) - ((states("sensor.sportage_estimated_charge_duration") | int) * 60) }}'
device_class: timestamp
you can use input_datetime directly in time triggers, same with timestamp sensors. You don’t need the first template.
Is sensor.sportage_estimated_charge_duration
a duration sensor? Anyways, you aren’t specifying a default or providing a availability template, so if that sensor is unknown/unavailable, the template will error.
- platform: template
friendly_name: 'Time to Charge'
value_template: >
{{ states("input_datetime.geplante_fahrt") | as_datetime - timedelta(seconds=states("sensor.sportage_estimated_charge_duration") | int) }}
availability_template: >
{{ states("sensor.sportage_estimated_charge_duration") | is_number }}
device_class: timestamp
I had to swap “seconds” with “minutes” since that sensor is in minutes and get a result in the template editor but the sensor is still unkown… I swapped to the new template syntax after realizing that something new exists.
- sensor:
- unique_id: time_to_charge
name: 'Time to Charge'
state: '{{ states("input_datetime.geplante_fahrt") | as_datetime - timedelta(minutes=states("sensor.sportage_estimated_charge_duration") | int) }}'
availability: '{{ states("sensor.sportage_estimated_charge_duration") | is_number }}'
device_class: date
It is probably something very stupid, but I do not get it…
it’s most likely an error due to your quoting. That’s why I was avoiding it in my response by using the multiline notation, but you switched it back to a single line template. Try copy/pasting exactly what I wrote.
tried the multiline implementation without any success.
can you post exactly what you tried?
- sensor:
- unique_id: time_to_charge
name: 'Time to Charge'
state: >
{{ states("input_datetime.geplante_fahrt") | as_datetime - timedelta(minutes=states("sensor.sportage_estimated_charge_duration") | int) }}
availability: >
{{ states("sensor.sportage_estimated_charge_duration") | is_number }}
device_class: date
oh wait it fails rendering the device_class date. let me try timestamp.
it should be a timestamp
in the log I can see this now:
Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor.helpers
Source: components/sensor/
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 5:17:20 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 5:17:20 PM
sensor.time_to_charge rendered timestamp without timezone: 2023-04-25 03:50:00
and the sensor is unkown. do I need to add the timezone to the timestamp string?
Add | as_local
after the as_datetime before the -