Trigger automation after version update

I’m running HomeAssistant on Docker (NOT SUPERVISED) and I’ve a script periodically pulling new docker image when available to install updates.

I’ve added the “Version” integration and I’m able to monitor current up-to-date status and installed version.

I’ve setup an automation to notify me in Discord when an update is available which worked… but… following the upgrade the notification to confirm new version installation fails… how can I trigger the automation after a reboot?

I know there is a trigger for when HA is started, but I’d would like to be notified only when it’s start AND version is being updated, shall I store versions in a variable instead of monitoring the status change for the sensor?

Here is my current (not working) automation:

alias: HA New version
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.current_version
condition: []
  - service: notify.hass
      target: "{{ states('input_text.discordchannelid') }}"
      message: "New version installed: {{ states('sensor.current_version') }}"
mode: single