Trigger Automation on Door Unlock via Code

I’m struggling to find any examples so figured I’d post here: I have some Schlage Z-Wave locks integrated via Z-Wave JS UI. I’m trying to create an automation that triggers only if the lock is unlocked from the outside (via a user code). Any idea/example of this if it’s possible?

Hi, this should be easy.
I use a trigger for notification events of my Danalock. Locks like this:

platform: device
device_id: 5149425bcc86197ec191039b27e9c9b3
domain: zwave_js
type: event.notification.notification
command_class: 113
id: Door_rf_unlock
type.: '6'
event: '4'

Schlage seems to support notification v8 as well:

So your event is “6”.


This is very cool! Can you point me at how you figured this out?

I get nothing when listening on device or zwave_js_notifications or zwave_js_value_notification at /developer-tools/event but maybe I’m misunderstanding how that should work…

EDIT: Even if I listen on * in the Events page, I only say state_changed events when operating a ZWave device. I do the event in the Zwave JS UI Events:

2023-07-10T18:55:28.281Z - NOTIFICATION 
Arg 0:
Arg 1:
└─type: 6
└─event: 2
└─label: Access Control
└─eventLabel: Manual unlock operation

EDIT2: Hmmm…I actually do get a notification with * but seemingly not with zwave_js_notification…maybe some sort of bug with that event listening tool…

I’ve had mixed luck getting notifications for zwave events if I don’t use *. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes it doesn’t. (Lately it’s been working for me, for whatever that is worth.)